Sunday, August 22, 2010

Half Way There

Yay! I made it to 20 weeks. Here are some stats:

Baby: Boy

Name: Picked out... not sure when we'll tell... stay tuned

People who have given me a written list of names they like: One (you know who you are)

Weight: Up 14 lbs. I screamed when I saw the number this morning; Jake laughed

Cravings: Nothing really. Red wine and an obsession with green apples around month three

Headaches: Numerous, but now more infrequent

Baby Kicks: slight flutters when I'm laying down started this week

People who have come out of nowhere and touched my belly so far: two (it doesn't really bother me...yet)

Emotional Breakdowns: more than I'd like to admit (some examples: outraged at the extra scoop of ice cream Jake tried to serve me; I get teary at almost every episode of TLC's A Baby Story; and there was almost a heart attack a few minutes ago when I weighed myself)

"Pregnancy Brain" Issues: oh geez. I read about this when I first became pregnant and thought it was ridiculous. I might be a believer now. Some highlights include leaving the driver side door of my car open and then walking up to the apartment; hitting the gas pedal instead of brake and injurying a poor tree (the car, surprisingly, is ok); and losing focus many times when having a conversation with Jake.

Now some belly pictures: 19 weeks and 20 weeks. It appears I really like that tank top. Those are my pre-pregnancy "fat" jeans that were loose on me. Now they are fully unbuttoned.

Roxy wondering what the heck we're doing.


alliefair said...

Emotional breakdowns: Yes.
Emotional breakdowns due to being pregnant: Questionable

Deb's Creative Art said...

you are so funny :) you look beautiful :) hang in there...

karyn said...

i told you that you would pop soon. sooo cute!