Sunday, September 5, 2010

Exciting Things

There has been a lot going on lately. Funny how my idea of fun and exciting has changed slightly in the past five months... I'm sure it will change even more when Baby H is here.

It was my first full week of school so I was exhausted! The students are great, but I always forget how much talking I do the first few weeks of school - I have to explain everything. Also, being on my feet all day has been tough to get used to. I'm responsible for also walking the students to our field area (about a block away) for recess duty. There was also an earthquake drill which meant more walking to the field. Luckily, it was a planned drill so I had a change of shoes in the classroom. My feet started to swell up that day and they couldn't fit in my shoes by the end of the day.

It's not just my feet -- I'm huge! At least, I feel that way. Jake has been very sweet about my expanding body and he even told me the other night how impressed he was with how I was handling it all. I guess he was expecting the typical neurotic Kelly, but I've been (surprisingly) relaxed about the whole thing. So, here is the embarrassing picture of the week:

22 weeks! Maternity jeans are now a must.

Some exciting updates: We got a crib! I had been looking at different cribs in our budget and then one night I found one of them online for super cheap and included the mattress. I had to jump on it. Pictures to come...

Also, Jake felt Baby Hilton kick! It was very exciting for him. I've been feeling the little guy move for weeks now, but I'm so happy that Jake got to experience it. His reaction was priceless and it definetely helped make it "more real" for him.

We scheduled a "childbirth preparation class" through our doctor's office/hospital. My doctor recommeded this particular class, which is actually a series of three classes. Not sure what to expect from these classes, but we get to take a tour of the hospital... I love a good field trip.

Jake purchased this book from amazon:

Haven't read it yet... but I hate the cover. Ha

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