Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I haven't really posted much about this pregnancy, but I guess now is as good of a time as any.  I'm currently 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant... yup... past my official due date.  What a bummer.  Those due dates really mess with your head.  Not to mention that Parker was a week early and my doctor guessed that Holly might be early (if not earlier) as well.  For the most part, this pregnancy has gone by fairly well.  Other than the first trimester nausea and extreme migraines, I have felt pretty good.  Towards the end (around 37-38 weeks) I started feeling uncomfortable, but definitely not as bad as when I was at the end with Parker.  Now I think I've finally hit that level of real discomfort.  This baby is constantly kicking on organs and has left me with bruised ribs on my right side.  She likes to be in the most awkward position that leaves me with a weird shaped stomach.  I can't describe it other than to say I have two large tumor looking bumps always sticking out - one on my right side and one sticking right up front.  To make things more uncomfortable, Parker has wanted to be held constantly and it puts a lot of pressure on my back and stomach. 

Last week (at 39+ weeks pregnant) I was at a routine appointment with my doctor and we discussed the possibility of this baby being on the small side.  Parker was only 6 pounds 6 ounces and we wanted to make sure this baby was going to be a healthy size and if everything looked okay to continue with pregnancy past 40 weeks.  She measured me slightly on the lower side and I had lost a few pounds over the past two weeks, so just to be on the safe side (and put my mind at ease), she scheduled me for an ultrasound to check on baby's size that day.  Well, baby looked very healthy and even on the chunky side!  I was shocked.  The ultrasound tech kept asking me if she looked like my son and I had no response for her.  Parker was a skinny baby and I really didn't recognize the little girl I was looking at.  It was a pretty amazing experience.  At almost 40 weeks pregnant, Holly looked like a real newborn baby.  I watched her grab at her own feet and play with the umbilical cord.  I couldn't get over how different she looked compared to all of the 20 week ultrasound photos I have of her and Parker.  To conclude the ultrasound, the tech put together measurements of the skull, abdomen, and leg bone to come up with an estimate of 7 pounds 3 ounces... but she said it can be off by 10-15% either way.  So at least we know she's a healthy weight and can come whenever she wants... I would prefer she come soon.  If not, I have a scheduled induction for December 23.  

This photo was taken with my phone... not the best quality, but I'm too lazy to do anything else.  Who do you think she looks like?  Definitely not my skinny lips!  It's surreal when you are watching your unborn baby move and squirm on a big monitor in front of you.  I remember feeling the same way as when they handed me Parker for the first time: A feeling of "who is this?!?" mixed with an immediate and indescribable love.  I didn't recognize her little face.  I was almost expecting to see Parker on the screen, but I didn't and I just stared in awe.  I love her already and can't wait to hold her and study her face for hours. 
OK, I'm off to enjoy the last bit of Parker's nap and then have some quality family time before the chaos begins.  Hopefully the next time I post it's about the newest member of our family...

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