Saturday, January 15, 2011

2 Weeks Old

Lounging around with dad and Roxy

Our little man is two weeks old today! It is hard to believe it has been two weeks already. Sometimes it feels like it has been way longer than two weeks and other times it feels like we just brought him home from the hospital.

Staring at his mobile

Parker is doing great! We love him so much! He started out as such a tiny little guy at 6 pounds, 6 ounces. Typically babies lose weight after birth, which he did. He dropped to just 6 pounds a few days after birth. All of his newborn clothes we hanging on him and practically falling off. My mom ran to the store to buy a premie outfit to see if that fit better. It almost did, but Parker already has Jake's long limbs, so his legs didn't fit. Anyways, he's been eating like a champ and yesterday at our 2 week appointment we found out he gained a whole pound! He's at 7 pounds! Oh, I was such a proud mother.

I don't have anything to compare him to, but I'd say we're pretty lucky: He's a pretty easy baby. He gets a little fussy at night, but nothing that is unbearable. Usually the kid just wants to eat. Currently he is eating almost every two hours, but sometimes we get lucky with a stretch of three to four hours.


My brain is mush lately, so here are some random thoughts and feelings I have about being a mom and the past two weeks:

- I think I had the easiest labor and delivery in the world thanks to the epidural
- I was NOT prepared for when the epidural wore off... oh my goodness... I am just feeling better two weeks later
- I'm still not good at taking naps. I know I should sleep any chance I get, but when it's daylight I feel like I need to be up and doing stuff (even though I can't get much done)
- Roxy has been a great dog. She is still curious about Parker, but no longer growls or gets upset at every little noise he makes.
- Jake is a wonderful father! I love him more and more each day I see him with Parker.... and he has changed way more diapers than me!! Can you believe it?

And lastly, all of our housing stuff is being finalized. We signed our lives away on Wednesday and should get the keys to our first house next Thursday!!! So excited!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to meet him this week!

Deb's Creative Art said...

sounds wonderful... can't wait to meet him... enjoy life.. it's great. Congrats on the new home!! Love to you all