Friday, May 6, 2011

This is what Jake came home to after spending a week in Oregon for work.

I can't believe how big this kid is getting. He loves to wear his hats when he goes out for walks with his grandma. It has been great getting out of the house with the little guy now that the weather is warmer.

I've been so happy to have my mom and dad here this week to help with Parker (especially because Jake was out of town!). Thank you mom and dad!

I'm also very happy to have Jake back from his trip. Now we're all back together... one happy, little family.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Who the heck is this??

Who the heck is this baby?

We thought he was going to be bigger than his 15 lb 8 oz after seeing this picture...

Four Months!

How busy we've been! Not only did I survive the first week back at work, but Parker turned four months old! I can't believe how he has grown up. He has really developed into a more easy-going baby (oh gosh, knock on wood) and his sweet little personality is coming out more and more.
At four months Parker can:

- go four hours between feedings
- sleep for six hours at night (but has gone longer on some occasions)
- smile a ton (but he's mostly very serious... our little thinker)
- laugh
- eat rice cereal like a pro
- hold his head up
- roll from his belly to his back (but not regularly)

weight: 15 pounds 8 ounces (51st percentile)
length: 26 inches (63rd percentile)