UNPACKING! It has been a busy few weeks. It started with packing up our old place. We put it off for a while and then had to scramble on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday while also moving. Here is Jake and one of the days. We only moved across the building, but it was a very tiring weekend. Luckily, we had both places for the weekend so could take our time. I'm so glad that is over.
During the craziness of packing and unpacking I've also had an extremely busy few weeks at school. I had report cards to write (due the Monday after the move) and then parent teacher conferences this past week. While all of that was going on our classroom adopted six crayfish! It is for a science unit we are studying. Last time I saw one of these it was on someone's plate in New Orleans! Notice how this one is missing a pincer. They are crazy lil' things. They freak out and swim backwards (I've screamed multiple times in front the class) and will stand in attack mode with their claws out. Yes, I've picked one up.
As we get the apartment looking spiffy I will post more pictures! We are currently setting up our new bed and there may be a new couch in our future.